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    family workshop topics


    ~ EFFECTIVE TEACHER/CHILD COMMUNICATION ~ Learn how media plays an integral part in girl’s lives, what you need to know about relational aggression and how to support your daughter as they enter into middle school. ~ SCREEN TIME: THE STRUGGLE TO FIND THE RIGHT BALANCE ~ Seeing Fractions is Understanding Fractions ~ BALANCING LOVE AND DISCIPLINE ~ Since parent educators are tutors, they are able to adapt to the needs of their individual child. Since parent educators are tutors, they are able to adapt to the needs of their individual child. ~ LOOK AT ME! Developing the Habit of Daily Bible Reading and Prayer The grand finale will be how to convert a fraction to a decimal to a percent. ~ TEARS, TANTRUMS AND TODDLERS! These workshops allow for a team-based approach as school staff and parents work together to implement best practices as we guide students in a positive and meaningful direction. Our workshop are written and presented by families. Summary of Topics Addressed in the Internal Filter™ Workshop. At the same time, God revealed his unconditional love in a new way. How to Get Started Having Regular Times of Family Worship What is it about yourself that you are most proud of? Succeed in the WE vs. ME mentality.    In Deuteronomy 6, God’s simple and effective plan for the family begins with parents loving God with everything in them and having His word on their hearts. ~ THE DOLLARS AND SENSE OF MONEY ~ The potential sources for conflict with our children are numerous. Learn why the hover-and-swoop approach to parenting can discourage self-reliance and independence, and undermines confidence and resilience.      This workshop is applicable for any earnest Christian who desires to develop this habit or needs encouragement to keep at it. Math is so much more than memorizing rules and facts. (need we say more?) ~ PARENTING YOUR STRONG WILLED CHILD ~ ~ KIDS DRIVING YOU CRAZY? Right after the financial literacy workshop topics were over, she sent out individual congratulations emails to everyone who participated. It is easy to fall into the trap of doing everything for your kids. From communication tips and personality insights, we will look at practical ways to love one another and build each other up in the Lord. Learn ways to reduce the chaos and make discipline calm and effective.. ~ RAISING COMPETENT,  CONFIDENT CHILDREN ~ Understand the reasons for tantrums, how to deal with them, and how to use “time-outs” effectively.      Each student is unique. ~ THINKING PARENT’S GUIDE TO WHY CHILDREN MISBEHAVE AND WHAT TO DO ABOUT IT ~ Here is a brief list. Celebrating the Blessing of the Christian Family With a unique and humorous approach, Steve demonstrates how to use hands-on manipulatives to illustrate important math concepts such as place value, double digit multiplication, fractions, algebra, exponents, squares, square roots, and factoring trinomials. After examining the Scriptures and hearing about Steve’s own experience, all will be encouraged to continue to grow in their walk with God. Influence of Fathers Parents and children share in a rich music experience as they sing songs and learn about various musical instruments (See Songbuilding Workshop description above). Project Appleseed’s workshops and online trainings provide a program for schools and communities that focuses on the techniques and skills in family engagement that has long-term benefits. This workshop examines the Biblical basis for the family, encourages parents to be intentional about building healthy families, and enumerates the wonderful blessings of being a Christian home. What age should a child get a phone? ~ EFFECTIVE PARENT/CHILD COMMUNICATION ~ Move beyond simple one size, fits all strategies to learn well reasoned, thoughtful techniques.   Finally, get the answer to the question “Should chores be tied to allowance?” These powerful tools will help children develop fiscal responsibility, empathy, teamwork, and cooperation. Each student is unique. Resilience is the ability to overcome challenges and to be strengthened, not defeated, in the process. If yours can be stubborn, argumentative, and headstrong you may need more tools in your parenting toolbox. Listen and be encouraged by a homeschooling father of four sons. ~ THE ATTITUDE OF GRATITUDE ~ The family system dynamic plays an integral role in setting the groundwork for the success and recovery for both the patient and the family. Modeling dough family Use modeling dough to shape figurines representing family members. Whole Family Workshop As a family work through six key topics to level up everyone’s cyber safe skills and establish healthy digital habits. Later we moved to the kitchen table, and finally we discovered a well rounded education is not confined to a classroom, but embodies character, relationships, and God. Offer mini-workshop sprints. There are both positive and negative sides to youth sports to consider: time, money, health, sleep, family, sportsmanship, coaches, self esteem and being part of a team. Fundamentals of Algebra Taught Concretely Infant and Toddler Workshop Topics Knowing Yourself as a Parent. The Center for Family Based Training has sponsored many workshops over the years. After many years of trying, God helped the Demmes make studying God’s word a daily part of their home.   Then we acquired textbooks and workbooks and taped the alphabet to the walls around our school room. Describes expectations parents of infants and toddlers have for themselves.

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