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    what to say when you call 911


    Your safety is still your responsibility. Be brave enough to make that call, someone’s life may depend on it. Always do whatever the dispatcher asks you to do. I understand that not everyone feels as comfortable as I do when talking to emergency operators. Don’t forget to enable this after establishing ICE contacts, or your contacts will likely be unreachable unless you are conscious and able to provide your password. When you get clear of the danger, keep calm and call 911 for help. Understand that every emergency call center is different and they may ask you different questions, but the basics remain the same: type of emergency, location and current situation. I ended up t, Never assume that someone else is going to call for help. Don't panic. This is to provide vital information to first responders. On the Phone. But that is not the case. What Happens When You Call 911 When you call 911, a call-taker will answer the phone and say "911" or "911, what's your emergency?". Location of the problem – full address … Make sure to listen carefully to what the operator is saying to you. If a situation escalates into a crisis, you may have to call the police. NEVER call 911 as a joke or just to see what might happen. If you hang up, often times a law enforcement officer will be sent out on a welfare check. While some call centers have bilingual operators, smaller 911 centers rely on a call-in translator service. Speaking of emergency situations, it’s also a good idea to list “in case of emergency” contacts into your phone, in the even that you are ever in an emergency situation where you aren’t able to provide information to emergency responders. Remember, the person who answers the phone when you call 911 is trained to walk you through the process. Before we get into the specifics, understand that 911 isn’t going to magically solve your crisis. The APA Help Center has more information about who to contact if you or someone you know is at a risk for suicide. Simply state that you think there is an impaired driver who you’ve witnessed swerving in and out of lanes. If you don’t know the answer to a question, then say so. Contact after the event - You can decide to be contacted by law enforcement after the emergency if you wish. To speak with a 911 dispatcher, simply punch in the numbers “9-1-1” on any working phone and stay on the line. The Siri User Guide shares, “The Apple developers programmed your iPhone to automatically call the local emergency number, even if you say the code for your home country. Also, make sure you are safe before you call 911. Give the operator details like gender, ethnicity, clothing, any notable distinguishing details and whether they are armed. Many emergency responders know to look for this when attempting to contact family or friends when a patient is unresponsive and unable to provide details about himself or herself. For more on family safety, consider. You’re still going to be in the developing emergency situation. First, because cell phones are mobile, they are not associated with an exact location or address, like a landline phone would be. call 999 back if the patient’s condition or location changes if your house name or number can’t clearly be seen from the roadside, open the front door and ask someone to wait outside for the ambulance to direct the crew where they should go if it is dark, turn on house lights and pull back curtains RELATED: Here’s What To Do If A Nuclear Bomb Is Dropped Near You (Though It’s Unlikely). CAREFULLY. In the United States when calling 911, the emergency dispatcher will usually start the question by saying something like "What's your emergency?" nurse: How To Escape From The Trunk Of A Car If You’re Locked Inside, list “in case of emergency” contacts into your phone, Here’s What To Do If A Nuclear Bomb Is Dropped Near You (Though It’s Unlikely), emergency contacts can be accessed even when the device is locked, You Can Now Order Customized Quesadillas From Chipotle, 9 Wine-Country Getaways That Are More Affordable Than Napa, Chili’s Is Selling To-Go Margaritas By The Gallon. A. I ended up talking to four operators and being hung up on. These operators are specially trained to help you in these moments of fear, you can trust them. If that’s not possible, you’ll have to call from your cell phone. Details about victims - Operators don’t expect you to be a detective or a doctor, but if you know people are hurt do your best to tell them how many are hurt, if these injuries seem to be sever and where they are located. It happens, we’re all human. What I have realized over the years, is that often people are afraid to call 911 or go to the hospital (even when they really need to) because they don’t know what to expect. Sometimes this requires calling for emergency help. They already know that. Don’t tell them to “hurry”. Second, cell phones can drop calls and there have even been cases where subscribers of certain cell services were simply unable to call 911. Don’t tell the story of a car going all over the road and acting like an idiot. Real Paramedic Matt talks about what to say when you call 911 for a medical … In that case, a translator will join the call and help the caller and operator to communicate effectively. Just give the phone number: "The number is 978-555-1313." Providing all of the relevant details in an emergency situation can be quite difficult, but if you can at least remember what to say first, it could literally mean the difference between life and death. Preparing the information you’ll need to tell the 911 operator and practicing what to say can help you ensure a safe outcome if a crisis occurs. As long as you have a phone, you can call the number and talk to someone. Once your location and phone number is established, tell the dispatcher your name and explain the situation. If you accidentally call 911: Do not hang up. When you get clear of the danger, keep calm and call 911 for help. Safety officers are police officers, fire fighters, emergency medical technicians, etc. It may seem like in this day and age, when GPS is integrated into every device we come in contact with, that 911 dispatchers should be able to figure where we are based on a cell phone call — whether or not we actually tell them. Be calm and listen to the questions that they ask. Speak clearly. RELATED: How To Escape From The Trunk Of A Car If You’re Locked Inside. In all cases, remember the most important thing you can do when calling 9-1-1 is to LISTEN. I hope you don’t have to call 911, but if you do remain calm and give as much information as you can. Telling them your number will ensure that if your call were to drop or if, in the haze that is an emergency situation, you accidentally hang up the phone, the dispatcher can call you back. Si hablas español, llama a 1-888-628-9454. Dialing 911 from any phone is the quickest way to reach help from safety officers. Be brave enough to make that call, someone’s life may depend on it. So here’s what you need to say when you call 911: Nature of the emergency - Be concise. 2 Dial 911 from any phone. The Sheriff's Office says they understand misdials happens and give a helpful list telling people what they should do in the case of an accidental 911 call. You may believe that you should not call 911 if you are acutely suicidal. If you are able to call 911 from a landline, you should. 9-1-1 call takers are trained to get the most important information as quickly as possible to get help on the way to an emergency situation. What to do when you call 9-1-1 Stay calm. In an emergency situation, allow the call taker to ask you all the questions they need in order to get help there in the timeliest manner before you … Who needs to respond - Sometimes the operator will ask you what type of response is needed meaning police, fire, medical or all of them. According to the FCC, 911 calls from mobile phones pose unique challenges. What number are you calling from?" Remember. After telling the dispatcher your exact location, give them your phone number. So saying '911' in France will get you immediate help in France. If you are acutely suicidal, you should not hesitate to call 911. If safety is at all an issue – for anyone – at any time – CALL 911! The dispatcher may give directions such as "Stay on the line until I tell you to hang up. If you are prepared before making the call, you might still make some mistakes, but you will get most of the information that is needed correct because of rote memory. This is why dialing 911 as a prank is a crime in many places. They may ask you more questions or even tell you to leave the scene. If you don’t know the street number of your location, try to provide the closest intersection information and details about where you are located. five to ten minutes of the call . Include details like store names, shopping centers or intersections. So here’s what you need to say when you call 911: Nature of the emergency - Be concise. Location of the emergency - If you know the address of the emergency, great. Q. If you’re at home or at work, dial 911 from your home or work phone. For more on family safety, consider The Secure Dad Newsletter. Sometimes people are unsure if they need to call 911. What to Say When you Call 911 | Paramedic Approved | Episode 4 - YouTube. Don’t try and guess at an answer, if you don’t know an answer, there is no shame in admitting that. If you’re calling for a mobile phone, do not assume that the operator knows where you are, tell them your location. Every question they ask has an important reason. I’m not sure that you can call 911 and then specify what kind of facility the person should be taken to; that’s not how they work, since they operate from a procedures manual that will tell them to respond to various situations in preset ways, and if your choice isn’t one of those presets, then it likely won’t happen. During the course of 911 calls, dispatchers will talk to you and ask you more questions. Speak slowly and remember to breathe. While it’s important to explain the situation and say who you are, it’s even more important to first tell the dispatcher where you are. Never assume that someone else is going to call for help. Even when you know someone is abusing the system, EMS providers say, you have to respond—it might be the one call that’s an emergency. Well it would go a little something like this: “Hello, is anyone there?” “…” “If you cannot talk press any number on your keypad.” “…” *Hang up and call back, ask if anyone is there* “…” “Are you in trouble? Landlines are associated with street addresses, which can help emergency crews find your location in the event that your phone call is cut off. Terms of Use   Privacy Policy   Disclaimer, Not long ago I wrote about trouble I had calling 911. By clearly stating your location (or a solid address if possible), emergency/what kind of emergency responder you need, and your phone number, the 911 operator can dispatch emergency responders to your location or call you back if the call drops. All rights reserved. If you are a Spanish speaker, call the Spanish-language Lifeline at 1-888-628-9454. When you’re in an emergency situation, the first thing you do, of course, is call 911. Landlines are associated with street addresses, which can help emergency crews find your location in the event that your phone call is cut off. A. First, calling for help can be scary and may even seem overwhelming at the time. Never hang up until you are told to do so by the 911 disp… It’s often hard to remain calm and think straight in the middle of an emergency. Operators would rather you pass on a question than give incorrect/false information. Details about suspects - If you witness a crime try to give an accurate description of who you saw commit the crime. If you don’t know, then give a detailed description of the area. Being clear is the most important part you play in the call. Remember… The 911 system is available around-the-clock to help provide the best emergency response for your child. Remaining calm is important, as it helps the dispatcher understand what is happening, so he or she can send the correct help as quickly as possible. Lifeline is also available for non-English speakers and people who are deaf or hard of hearing. Thankfully, there are a few things you can do to keep the situation as calm as possible. RELATED: This man created an elaborate scheme to propose to his girlfriend, who is an E.R. If you are acutely suicidal you are probably suffering from a … Not long ago I wrote about trouble I had calling 911. Answer as clearly as you can and stay on the line. The FCC estimates that 70 percent of 911 calls are made from cell phones. But if you are able to make a voice call to 911, and if it is safe to do so, the Federal Communications Commission advises that you should always make a voice call to 911. Callback number - Know a good number the operators can reach you on if you are disconnected or if a first responder needs to contact you about being a witness. And whether you have an iPhone or Android device, there are ways to program your phone so that emergency contacts can be accessed even when the device is locked. If you are able to call 911 from a landline, you should. When you’re in an emergency situation, the first thing you do, of course, is call 911. It happened with AT&T in 2017 and Verizon Wireless in 2015. © 2016 - 2021 The Secure Dad, LLC. Provide as much detail as is necessary to allow EMS to find you, such as "We are at the high school football field, at the goalpost nearest the school." In 2006, 10 percent of all 911 District EMS calls went to just 20 addresses—a total of 8,400 responses and more than 2,500 transports. The first thing your kids should say when they call 911 from a cell phone by Kristen Chase | Mar 23, 2017 | Tips and Tricks | 0 comments With so many families ditching land lines and moving strictly to mobile phones, the biggest issue has been what to do when you need to call 911. I hope you don’t have to call 911, but if you do remain calm and give as much information as you can. Share all the information you can with your 911 operator. But I'm sure that you would not hesitate to call 911 if someone else's life was in danger. It is important you stay on the line to tell the dispatcher that it was an accidental call and that there is no emergency.

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