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    Although a specific skill is highlighted, typically, each game involves developing a combination of skills. Cut them in four and ask your child to  put the picture back together again. Make your toddler look at the coins. Smartphone and Tablet Screen Time: Good or Bad for Kids? Point out her body parts such as nose, mouth, neck, etc. Crayon (or Paint) game Tape a large poster board on hard, solid floor, or use sheets of regular paper taped together. Ask her to point at her body parts, and mommy’s body parts. Let him also smell the flowers and other objects that has a strong odor. Also, let your child look at the stuff in the soil. After the stuff are sorted, count them one by one. You can combine this activity with singing, such as singing the toy with lullaby, which makes your child use musical skills, as well as language. Kids activities are organized here by age and gender, so parents can find fun and engaging ways of making sure their children get the recommended daily amount of physical activity. Early social and emotional experiences are the seeds of human intelligence. Nesting game teaches your toddler about size differences, and solving problems through logical reasoning. One and a half years and older. Everyday interactions with your child can have a huge impact on their emotional development. You can also read a new book and make your child guess what happens next in the story. Play With Sand For one and a half years old and older. RELATED: How to Raise a Kid Who Loves to Read, I am not currently subscribed to PureWow.com, so please subscribe, I am already subscribed to PureWow.com, let me tell you the email address I used to subscribe, Please accept the terms and privacy statement by checking the box below. To make the puzzle more challenging, you can cut the picture into more than 4 pieces, or in irregular shapes. Sensory activities for kids are almost always a no-fail activity. This can be provided with a plate of jelly, aqua beads, ice, rice, or even small world tubs. Toddlers learn the rules of grammar by hearing you and others speak. When your toddler is involved in physical activity, he exercises many parts of the brain and enhances brain function through providing more oxygen to it. These are wirings that connect and carry electrical impulses from brain cell to brain cell. Make your child match the cut-up shapes with the ones on the board. Grouping Stuff Together 2 years old and up. In fact, planning activities throughout the day that provide intense doses of sensory input can keep children… Touch Book Gather pieces of cardboard and bind them together to make a book. Puzzles involve reasoning, discrimination, and muscle control, which all challenge the developing brain. See also the list of best educational toys and gift ideas for children, Copyright 2020 Ronaldo Tumbokon, LLC In a nutshell, sensory play is any play activity which involves touch, smell, taste, sight and hearing. Create a balancing beam from a plank of wood, or go to a playground where you can find this. By the time young children reach toddler age, their problem-solving skills begin to mature. Stacking Game Play with blocks or any toy that stacks. Sit opposite each other, a couple of feet apart. If he finds a pair, give it to him, then open another card and ask him to look for its pair. Add other cues to make your conversation interesting, such as doing actions (For example, “Oh look, a playful teddy bear. For example, you can use a toy drum to go with the rhythm, a toy cymbal or a toy piano. Got a kid who loves throwing things? Look at him jump… jump… jump” and while saying “jump”, you make the teddy bear move as if it is jumping, and so on), changing the tone and pitch of your voice, or making your toddler do something with the toy (“Hug the teddy bear.”  Show him how to hug the teddy bear, and take turns hugging the teddy bear). Show your toddler how to work these objects to open and close. Add in some keys and a scarf, and he’ll stay occupied long enough for you to hide the stuff you don’t want him to play with. Babies begin their problem-solving lives with basic cause-and-effect reasoning and flexibility. This game exercises your child’s imagination and the stimulation of actually creating something. RELATED: 8 Ways to Get Your Kids to Actually Do Their Chores. Give your toddler a happy response when he gets the combination right, and gently correct him when he does not get it right until he masters his concentration skill. Put that energy to good use by grabbing some plastic cups and ball-pit balls and setting up a mini “bowling alley” in your hallway. Everything you do with your toddler – playing, talking, eating, walking, reading, cuddling, and singing help jump-start his brain. After a while, ask your child if you can play with his toy. When learning new skills, each move has to be repeated over and over to strengthen neural circuits. Let him play with his toy again, and so on. How to: Arrange the cones in a zig-zag pattern for a distance of about 10 feet. Experiences after birth, in conjunction with your child’s gene, determine the eventual wiring of the human brain. Eventually, you can also allow him to play freely with building structures. This game teaches your child cause and effect, rhythm, and introduce him to making music which has a lot of brain-boosting benefits. https://www.wonderbaby.org/articles/calming-or-stimulating-sensory-activities Learning to see differences among similar objects prepares him to recognize the alphabet. Open the boxes and talk to your child about the picture pasted in each of the box. You can use a big wand, and then a small wand to make her see the difference between big and small bubbles. Be sure to describe what he is seeing, feeling and smelling. Read the book with him by using gestures and changing the tone of your voice depending on the situation in the story and which character is speaking. Home » Raise Smart Toddler » Raise Smart Toddler Articles » Brain-Boosting Toddler Activities. Block Patterns One and a half and above Use building blocks to make simple structural patterns such as 2 blocks with one above, three in a row set of blocks, and so on. The more nurtured, loved, cared for, and safe a child feels, the more firmly established his emotional well-being will be. Playfully ask your toddler to copy the pattern. That’s why the more you talk to your child, the better. It is her early experience with you that she learns about how to feel and handle her feelings – and this affects her later behavior and thinking capabilities. Look at your baby when he makes sounds. This game not only introduce him to social skills, but makes use of his imagination as well. Lovingly squeeze his hand, and establish eye contact, expressing your love for him. Pretend to have a conversation. It’s like a toddler version of Mad Libs! Sign up for PureWow to get more ideas like these (It’s free!). Mirror Game With your toddler, watch your reflections in a large mirror. You may also bring a magnifying glass to make the little stuff more visible. Give your child one of his favorite toys, and let him play with it. Many studies suggest that learning music has a lot of benefits to the growing brain including spatial-temporal reasoning (the ability to see part/whole relationships), promoting language acquisition, listening skills, memory and motor skills. Let your child do it himself. Show the pictures to your toddler, telling him the name of the object and talking to him about the object. Even small muscle exercises like finger plays stimulates brain growth. Reading books aloud to children stimulates their imaginations and expands their understanding of the world. Singing nursery rhymes help develop language. Related: Click here for tips and tactics on how to discipline your toddler. Musical experiences integrate different skills simultaneously, thereby developing multiple brain connections. Things you do together enhance his learning (among many other benefits). Connections that are used repeatedly will become permanent. The most effective way for your toddler to acquire language skills is for you to read books to her. Ask his puppet, for example, about what he is doing, what is his favorite food, and so on. Collect pictures of things or draw pictures of things that are opposites such as big and small, hard and soft, up and down, inside and outside and so on. Alphabet Ice and Shaving Cream is a fun-filled, messy sensory play activity that What’s Next? Have your child sort them into similar groups while teaching them counting, colors and shapes. This game enables your toddler to express himself creatively, and also develop his fine motor skills. Gently encourage him. Gross and fine motor skills, balance and eye-hand coordination are necessary for many tasks – from writing to athletic abilities. First instruments Give your toddler safe noise-making items from the kitchen such as pans, metal lids, bowls, and wooden spoons. Ask your toddler what the drawing is, and tell him  that you will be looking for the same drawing. These kinds of activities are essential and play a major role in their future personalities. Repeat until all cards are matched. Auditory discrimination prepares him to differentiate among letter sounds. Show your toddler colors, let him hear music and language, and give him stuff to smell, taste and touch. Start with 3 or 4 pairs. Talk back to him, and say what he says. This game develops your child’s sense of balance and eye-foot coordination. Sing and Cuddle Carry and cuddle your toddler while singing and rocking him to the rhythm of the music. Make the patterns more complicated as your child becomes more skillful in figuring out how to build block structures based on your pattern. During these critical brain-growth periods, long, thin nerve pathways grow inside the brain. BabyCenter is committed to providing the most helpful and trustworthy pregnancy and parenting information in the world. Collect some clothing and objects with easy to fasten buttons, snaps, hooks, zippers, and so on. Let your toddler chase the bubbles that you make. Reading A Story Book Choose a story book appropriate for your toddler, one with a simple plot. Each time a child is stimulated to think, either new neural pathways are formed or existing ones are strengthened. https://www.purewow.com/family/stimulating-activities-for-toddlers Fill a small tub or bowl with water and provide old magazines or junk mail for your toddler Children learn a language by hearing words over and over. As she gets better, increase the distance between you. Show him also how to make simple sand sculptures such as a sand castle or tower using his toys. Are you looking for the best sensory activities for preschoolers or older kids? This game teaches your child body awareness, gross motor skill and concentration. When actively engaged with art and crafts, cooking or textile activities, they are stimulating their senses. She will love the book that features him as the main character. Animal Sounds Show your toddler a book of animals that make sounds. But if you’ve got a kid who puts everything in her mouth, here’s a nifty alternative: Mix a little food coloring (or natural food pigments) into small bowls of yogurt and let her “paint” (and eat) away. Challenge your toddler by stacking the toys as high as he can. Existing connections eagerly await new experiences that shape the neural networks for language, reasoning, problem solving, and moral values. Use Greek yogurt for some extra protein. Also these activities are meant to provide ideas and inspire you to come up with others. Who needs a Barbie dream house when you’ve got…cardboard? Do These Instead, 14 Benefits of Coding for Kids and Students, How to Treat your Child’s Video Game Addiction, Best Educational Toys and Gift Ideas for Children 2021 – By Age, Benefits of Video Games: The Positive & Negative Effects. 2 years and up Get a CD or recording of popular songs or easy to listen instrumental music. A boredom busting plan based on STEAM activities and learning can provide a fun and exciting experience for young kids. Encourage your toddler to crawl or walk towards you by making her way through the pillow. For tips on how to read to your toddler, click here. https://www.raisesmartkid.com/.../3-articles/55-brain-boosting-toddler-activities Gentle, loving fun combined with responsive language from you creates an atmosphere in which learning thrives. Make sure that each puppet talks with a different voice. Your child’s brain grows at an explosive rate during the first three years of his life. The more words young children hear, the more connections their brains make. I Spy For 2 and a half years and older. Sensory play … Cover the boxes with different colored paper, or otherwise make them unique. See this link to find other activities for your toddler that makes math fun. With a little bit of patience, you can deal with any development issues. Our content is doctor approved and evidence based, and our community is … A young brain primed for math gives the child big benefits for his future. Glue pieces of objects that have different textures in them. For example, point to the cow and say, “Look at the cow. Picture Fun For one and a half year old or older, From magazines, cut out pictures of objects that are not familiar but interesting to your toddler, such as airplane, a giraffe or a mountain. 7 Easy (and Brain-Stimulating) Activities for Toddlers, Nanny Etiquette: 8 Things You Should Never Do. Some children pick it instantly while some children take some time. Just like a muscle, the more memory is used in the early years,  the easier it will be for her to handle the load of information in school. This game stimulates your child’s visual memory, as well as help her language development. For a kid one and a half years old and older, you can put pennies in a tightly-sealed plastic jar to make sounds when he shakes it. Take the nested toys apart and encourage your child to nest the toys himself. Glue these on index cards. Make the course more challenging by making her crawl under a soft furniture that has no sharp edges. Nesting Game One and a half and above Give your toddler nesting toys or toys of different sizes that can fit inside each other. Two years or older Play puppets with your child. Talking to a young child increases the number of words that he will recognize and eventually understand. Open the rest of the cards one by one, and ask your toddler if it is the same one as the open card. Point out to him the difference. Show him different ways to make sound like playing gently, loudly, slowly and fast. These are all very nice and stimulating activities that are geared to develop the physical and mental abilities of toddlers. The plasticity of the brain, its ability to rewire itself, is what makes it so easy for children to learn language. Counting  And Rhyming Sing with your child nursery rhymes that involves numbers such as “Five Little Ducks,” “Five Little Monkeys,” and “Ten Little Indians.”   While singing the rhyme with her, represent the numbers with objects such as toys or even just holding up your fingers as you count. Praise her when she makes an effort to help, and let her know that her help is appreciated. Sensory activities tend to end in a mess at our … Label the objects with description of the texture. Pick up a card and describe what it shows “This is something  big, where’s something that’s small?”. Being skillful in math at an early age is also a stronger predictor of later school achievement than reading skills or the ability to pay attention. When he succeeds, praise him and hug him for his effort. Hugging, kissing, coddling and making your toddler feel secure and being cared for helps develop her brain. For tips on how to read to your toddler, click here. This game teaches your toddler body awareness, see herself as separate from others, and be able to explore her identity with the use of language. Activities to boost his math skills change his brain to become skillful in problem solving. This is something that play-alone high-tech toys like tablets, video games, tv and others will not be able to offer. Read on to know more. Repeat this game as long as she enjoys it. This will make your toddler think about the qualities of objects – their colors, shapes, sizes, and so on. RELATED: 8 Great Indoor Activities for Toddlers. This game stimulates your child’s senses, and her body movement makes her exercise her gross motor skills. 12 month and up Make an obstacle course made up of pillows and cushions, some stacked high and some stacked low. Show your toddler a combination of four coins in a sequence, for example, two pennies and two dimes. When you are cleaning the house or cleaning the garden, tell your toddler to help you clean. Decorate it with glitter and drawings, and put all the stuffed animals to bed inside it. Show him how he can make designs such as wavy lines, circles, and others. If your child still cannot remember, just tell her “Let’s find out” and turn the page, then talk about what happens next. Head Shoulders Knees and Toes is a good song where you can point to the body parts while singing. Cut shapes made of colored paper, and make a board with have drawings that fit the shapes. Those that are not used get discarded. https://growingwithnemit.com/30-stimulation-activities-babies Exposing your toddler to a variety of sensory stimuli – sights, sounds, taste, and touch boost your child’s brain growth in many ways. Create one here. Use words repeatedly. Matching Game Two to 2 and a half Draw colorful shapes or animals in cards and make an exact pair of each drawing. Read picture books For your toddler, choose books with clear picture of familiar objects. And it’s just fun! With instrumental music, get a toy musical instrument, and pretend that you are part of the performance by playing along. It can be told in a way that is like “A Day in the Live of…”  Read the book together with your toddler. Fill up a kiddy pool or the bathtub with a few inches of water, then toss in cups, water bottles, squirt bottles, straws and colanders for your child to play with. Make a story about the puppets. Teach your little one how to follow instruction by creating a cardboard castle (or house or garage or grocery store) together. RELATED: Secrets of Moms Who Don’t Have Clutter. Memory is learning that sticks. When your child learns something, new synapses form or old synapses are strengthened, creating a memory of the experience or what the child learned. You’ve been to the playground. Point out your body parts, calling them, for example, “mommy’s nose”, “mommy’s mouth” etc. However, if you notice delayed speech and poor language skills after the age of three despite having performed these activities… teaching your toddler to read early using this step-by-step guide, list of best educational toys and gift ideas for children, Best Educational iPad and Android Apps for Toddlers and Babies, Best Smart Toddler (1 to 3 Years Old) Toys And Gift Ideas 2020, Teach Your Child to Read Early: A Step-by-Step Guide, Tools & Resources, How to Discipline Your Toddler: Age-Appropriate Tips for your 1 – 3 Year Old, 101 Best Children’s Books of all Time – by Age, 19+ Best Smart Toys for Baby Development 2021 (1 Year Old and Below), How to Manage Your Child’s Tablet and Smartphone Screen Time, You Can’t Teach Baby to Read, Studies Say. Play puzzles with your child. Make your toddler walk through the cones. Feel free to make variations on these games. Show your toddler how to remove the tapes one at a time with the use of the fingernail, and then let her do it herself. When your child finds you, show him that he did well. Taking turns is a game that that teaches your toddler the concept of sharing. Paper Puzzle For 2 and a half years and older. © 2010-2021 Wow Media Products, Inc doing business as PureWow. See Also: Ideas for smart toddler toys Educational toys and gift ideas for toddlers and other kids – by age Best Educational Apps for Toddlers and Babies. https://parenting.firstcry.com/articles/top-25-activities-for-2-year-old-toddler Challenging activities in a loving environment create optimal learning experiences. I am glad that you have included reading, as this goes a long way in shaping the personality of the toddler. You can use pillows with different sizes, colors and textures. Talk to your child’s puppet, and let his puppet converse with yours. “What does the cow say?”  Help him by repeating the animal sounds, until he makes the right sound. Teach your child to nurture by playing pretend friends with her. The Good and Bad Effects of TV on Children, 50+ Parenting Tips On How To Raise A Smart Child, Good and Bad Effects of Social Media on Teens and Kids. Let your child walk across the beam if he feels confident that he can do it himself. Paste the pictures in cards. When he gives you his toy, show him how happy and appreciative you are of his sharing his toy. See this Scholastic article for more ideas. Start with few nesting objects, and gradually add more. This game exercises your child’s visual memory, while helping him build listening and language skills. She will enthusiastically copy your motions. Sign up for PureWow to get more daily discoveries sent straight to your inbox. See benefits of music. Play more I Spy games until your toddler gets it. You can also mix-up cut-outs from 2 pictures. Play with your child by showing him that the toys can be fitted within each other. Toy Pets or Doll Two and a half years and older. Using sensory activities provides sensory seekers with appropriate ways to get the extra stimulation they need without being disruptive. Hold your child’s hand to help him walk across the beam. The social and emotional skills a child develops will determine the quality of his relationships with people and engagement with the world throughout life. You can help your toddler jump-start his brain development by engaging in games and fun activities with him. For more, see Benefits of reading to your kids. They are experiencing texture, touch, smell, soft, hard, wet or delicate things that … Play with his toy for a while. You’ve played with the Legos. Show her how to take care of pretend pet or pretend baby by doing loving stuff such as feeding the toy, rocking it to sleep and talking to it. New experiences build upon established patterns and create new patterns and networks for more learning. Make the tape overlap each other. Play, reading, puzzles, games, and socializing are among the activities that may help your preschooler's mind develop, experts tell WebMD. RaiseSmartKid.com. All rights reserved. You need a doll or an animal toy for this. Singing and Clapping Sing nursery rhymes to your toddler. They learn curiosity, patience, working towards achieving a goal, and gaining confidence in their ability to reach a solution. Show your toddler that you are having fun copying his pattern. It lets the kids explore a material. Scoop him up and rock him back and forth while laughing and kissing his face. For example, you can use a soft fabric and label it “SOFT”, a sandpaper and label it “ROUGH”, a gel and label it “GOOEY”, etc. Use also toys that make noise such as a toy drum or xylophone. Talking With Your Toddler Pick up one of your toddler’s toy and talk to him about it. Here, seven easy, brain-stimulating activities to do with your toddler, using stuff you probably already have lying around the house. Place a toy at the end of the trail and when your 18-month-old reaches … Get your child a small version of cleaning materials such as a feather duster, broom, rake, and so on. Another idea is to get large colorful and engaging pictures of a simple object from magazines. For advanced task, you can ask her to help you plant seed or water the plants in the garden, for example. Simple nursery rhymes include Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, Row your boat, Itsy Bitsy Spider, If You’re Happy and You Know It, and Wheels on the Bus, and others. You can also use different size bowls, cups or toys that you create from cardboard boxes. And now you are fresh out of ideas. Hearing the numbers again and again reinforces her math vocabulary. To make the game more fun, advance to modeling recognizable 3d shapes like blocks, table, lollipop, and so on. It opens the door for free play. It is grouped into specific skills that are being exercised. Opposites For 2 and a half years and older. Memory Boxes Collect a few boxes and paste pictures of significant persons or objects (pictures of his dad, mom, dog, house, etc.) Offer up a sanctioned activity by filling an empty bag you’ve got lying around with kid-friendly versions of everything in your real purse—we’re talking old punch cards from the salad place and expired AAA cards you’ve been meaning to throw out. When you use your imagination with him, for example, you help his brain to make “imagination pathways” of its own. Use hand movements, gestures, and clapping of hands while singing to make the activity more fun and encourage her to move along. in each of the boxes. Hide and Cuddle Two and a half years and older This is similar to hide and seek. Also, make variations on lyrics of songs to include his body parts. For example, after talking about the giraffe, you can ask her “Where’s the giraffe?”. So, the next trip to Toys-R-Us, look for these main points when you buy toys for speech therapy activities for toddlers: After coloring the drawing, tell your toddler what she did, such as saying “You just colored the circle red”, etc. Nurturing your child’s creativity and imagination helps her develop her abstract thinking and problem-solving skills. You can vary the game by gently bouncing the ball to her instead of rolling it. The cow says moo!”  Then ask your toddler what the cow says. Then, ask your toddler to look for a picture that you told him about. Mix up the cards on the table. Introducing Math Shapes and Symbols On a blank paper, draw shapes and numbers that your toddler can color. 50+ Perfectly Simple Toddler Activities to Try at Home | HOAWG For example, “Trip to the Garden” can be a “Trip to the Beach”, or “Trip to the Park”. You are also making her grow to be socially well-adjusted. Bright Horizons has collaborated with Vroom to bring you fun activities to do with your children. Other objects you can use include cotton balls, feathers, pieces of satin, etc. Close the box and ask your child which box has the picture of each person or object. Clay Get non-toxic modeling clay from a toy store. Point to an animal and make the sound the animal says. Show your toddler how to group things together by shape, color or size. Children remember experiences that have an emotional component. Afterwards, ask him to make his own pattern. Your child’s earliest experiences with you, the parent, shape what is to become of her as an adult. Gather a collection of large buttons, colorful beads and things that are easy to sort into a table. Sing together to the popular music with your toddler. https://savvytokyo.com/8-activities-for-kids-stimulate-young-kids Arrange the pictures to make a story and paste the pictures on the pages. The more you talk, play and emote with them, the better. The story does not have to be a narrative. Are you sure you want to remove this item from your Recipe Box? Sensory activities involve hands-on playing through touching, tasting, smelling, seeing, moving and hearing.These activities enhance learning while stimulating … Ask them for character names, locations and situations and write it all down to read back to them before nap time. Just make sure that you play with your toddler in a safe environment using safe materials. Being able to concentrate is also necessary for problem solving. Show your toddler how to make shapes like squares, triangles, rectangles and show him how they fit together. Of course finger paints are a great way for your toddler to express herself. If you’ve ever accidentally left your handbag on the coffee table unattended, then you know how easy it is for your toddler to open it up and start eating all your lipstick. Gently roll the ball to your child and encourage her to roll the ball back to you. https://mommypoppins.com/ny-kids/99-sensory-activities-for-any-child The best type of toys to stimulate children speech and language development are those that let your child move around and play with it manually. Let him feel the various texture of leaves and other objects that you find in a garden like rocks, tree trunk and so on. Before turning the page, ask your toddler what she thinks, is going to happen next. We all know toddlers love sorting, but a basic grouping activity can be even better for getting them to hone their math and organizational skills. Vroom offers more than 1,000 activities and tips for families with children ages 0-5 that fit into everyday … Let your child group the objects by himself. Give your child one of the puppets, and encourage him to join the story. https://www.zerotothree.org/resources/167-play-activities-for-12-to-24-months You can show him the next couple of animals, and then go back to the cow, and see if he remembers the sound of the animals he has encountered so far. Teach your child to play his first “musical instrument” by rhythmically banging at the pans while singing a song or playing music on the CD. Below are some brain-boosting toddler games and activities that you can play with your toddler. Talk to your toddler about the concept of opposites. This sensory explosion will teach them about cause and effect and will keep the mess contained. Open one card for your toddler. 2 Years  and Up Reread a story book that you read before to your toddler. The resulting network, which grows daily in the young brain, forms the neurological foundation of skills that your child will use for the rest of his life. Take your child to the garden. Find out the depths of their creativity by writing a personalized story. This fun game does not only make your toddler think about objects around him, it also provides you an opportunity to teach your toddler new vocabulary words.

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